9 Ways to be More Sustainable
We’re all about being sustainable here at Sterling, but there are lots of different ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle that don’t just involve saving cardboard boxes or using bottles as vases. If you’re looking for some new ways to get earth-friendly, this is the blog post for you! Read on for ten easy ways to save some money, energy, and the planet, all at the same time.
- Think twice before shopping ‘til you drop.
Ask yourself if you really need the product you’re about to buy. Everything we purchase has an environmental footprint, even if it’s fully recyclable, so make sure you actually need the item you’re about to purchase. If it’s a necessity, look for minimal packaging; if it’s clothes you need, consider thrifting them or buying secondhand. - Go plastic-free where you can.
It’s not possible in every situation, but where you can, go plastic-free. Some examples of plastic-free life include reusable bags at grocery stores, ditching single-use water bottles and straws, and buying produce that isn’t wrapped in plastic. - Pay attention to labels.
Have you ever looked closely at the labels on your groceries? You should start! Fair Trade certified goods are the ones to choose when you can, as they support companies dedicated to sustainable production. Organic food may be pricey, but it’s worth it to minimize your impact on the planet. If you’re a coffee fan, be on the lookout for “shade-grown” coffee, as it keeps forests intact for birds and other migratory species. - Be water-wise.
A little filter goes a long way! Skip the bottled water and invest in a reusable bottle and a water filter jug you can refill from the faucet. As our growing population increases the demand on water sources, you can conserve water by taking shorter showers, choosing low-flow appliances, and finally fixing that leaky toilet. - Spend some time outside.
Rather than being cooped up inside with the TV, take a book (or your phone) outside and catch some rays. Spending some time in the great outdoors will help you ground yourself in nature, appreciate the earth and all it does for us, and save some electricity on lights and streaming services. - Drive less.
If possible, you can find ways to drive around less in your neighborhood. Combine errands into one big trip to save gas, bike or walk places, and keeping your car in shape will all increase your fuel efficiency and help decrease gas usage nationwide. - Use LED light bulbs.
LED & CFL light bulbs are proven to last longer than regular light bulbs, which reduces the need to purchase more light bulbs, and they’re much more energy-efficient! - Turn off your computer before you leave work.
This applies to when you’re at home, too! Make sure to turn off all of your devices that you’re not using, so you can save energy and money at the same time. - Use reusable packaging.
Whether you’re using cardboard boxes twice or buying packaging that’s been recycled and made into something new, reusable packaging is the most sustainable way to tackle a waste-filled industry like the packaging world. Speaking of recycled packaging, we at Sterling recycle almost all of our by-product that comes during fabrication and manufacturing into different things for different industries or more of our own products, so it’s all completely recycled! Neat, huh?
And there you have it, nine ways to make your life a little more sustainable! Got any more ideas on how to reduce, reuse, and recycle in everyday life? Let us know– we’re always looking for ways to help the environment.
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